- Writing letters is the best way to exchange
you thoughts, ideas and opinions even thought you live far from each other.. It can help you
with your language skills (both with your foreign language and your mother tongue),
find out about new places you have never heard about before and just have a lot of fun!
- If you would like to swap something, please, be fair and send back to your partner your
part of the swap. If there are some people who don't ( I feel really sorry for them!) it isn't
my fault. Still let me know and I'll remove that person from the list if there are more than 2
- Keep your language clean! Never use any offensive words. Adds that can offend other people
will be deleted.
- This club isn't for rasists or nazis. Messages promoting these ideas will be deleted.
The moto of this club is PEACE FOREVER!
- Still if you wouldn't like to correspondence with some countries or people of some nations
just tell it politely. Every person has a right to choose a friend up to his own preferences.
- This club is dedicated for people who really want to write letters or swap.
- Please, please, please... No perverts and other geeks!
- When you add your profile it will be put into the list as soon as I can. Sometimes it can take
up to a whole week.
- If there is no any contact in your ad I won't add it to the list! Sorry!
- If you are against pages like this please leave this club as soon as possible!